5 Ways to Add Variety to Your Meals

“Healthy meals are soooo boring!”

I know you’ve said this before. Let’s be honest, we alllll have! Switching up your food game and making a move towards a healthier plate can feel a little boxed in, right? You pick a lean protein, add in a veggie, and get a whole grain on there. I know you’ve already asked Dr. Google how to make healthy meals, and while I’m totally here for that….

I’m about to teach you how to make healthy meals that TASTE GOOD.

You can eat “healthy meals” all day, but if you aren’t enjoying them… then are they really that healthy? There are a lot of “shoulds” in the wellness world — “I should eat more veggies,” “I should eat less,” “I should…” well, you get it.

Here’s the thing… If your meals don’t taste good — you’re not going to eat them, at least not for long. Bro-meal burnout is a real thing, ya’ll! That plain chicken and rice has it’s place, but for a long term healthy meal solution? Thank you - NEXT.


You might be thinking….

“Mallory, it’s just too good to be true! You can either eat food that you loveeeee mowing down on OR it can be healthy.”

We’ll I’m not delusional and it’s not a smoke screen — HEALTHY MEALS CAN TASTE GOOD & you don’t have to get bored making the same thing over and over! There are a million ways to add variety to your plate, but today we’ll talk about my top 5. I love cooking. I love getting creative in the kitch, but even this foodie has nights when I just need to prep some things ahead, throw them together and make it work (Tim Gunn style).

So let’s chat about 5 simple ways that you can add some variety to your plate, mix up your meal prep, and never get bored putting healthy meals together!

5 Ways to Add Variety to Your Meals

switch up your protein || Chicken breast, steak, salmon, shrimp, burgers, sausage, eggs, shredded pork, and soooo many more! Simply swapping our the protein option on your plate can completely transform a dish — maybe adding shrimp to that pasta instead of chicken, or trying sausage and peppers with your potatoes in place of burgers! One of my favorite dishes to make that is easy to mix up the protein for are these One-Pan Steak Fajitas that you could easily make with chicken or shrimp instead!

cook with herbs & spices || Spice up your life! The biggest concern I hear about eating healthier meals is that it is too bland! How do you fix that? Cook with herbs and spices that pack a lot of flavor without adding extra sodium, calories or additives onto your plate! My personal favorites to use are combinations like ginger and garlic, white pepper and onion powder, or basil and oregano. Feel a little lost when pairing those herbs in your spice cabinet? Try this Herb Ranch Seasoning Mix that can be added to just about anything to pack a punch of flavor!

add color to your plate || I love a good plate of leafy greens… I mean, I don’t hide my love for kale AT ALL, but there are other veggie options out there that can add nutrition to your plate and variety to your meal prep. Think farther into the rainbow and search for plants that add something new to your plate! Here are some vegetables that AREN’T just leafy greens — bell peppers (red, green orange, yellow), tomatoes, carrots, yellow squash, zucchini, broccoli, eggplant, red cabbage, onion, mushrooms, and beets! Try these veggie heavy dishes to get started — Greek Pasta Salad or 30 Minute Curry Shakshuka.

make it meatless || This can feel like a challenge! The standard American meal is typically centered around an animal protein — but flipping the script on that can definitely change up your meal routine! Try subbing in a plant-based protein option like tofu, tempeh, beans, or lentils. Protein also doesn’t need to be a big slab of a something on your plate! Simply adding nuts into a rice mix, adding cheese into your enchiladas, or topping your pasta with nutritional yeast can add up throughout your day! Here are some meatless meals you can slate for your Monday nights, or any day you’re going full veggie — Kale and White Bean Enchiladas or Peanut Tofu Stir-Fry.

shop seasonal produce || The best way to switch up what’s on your plate is to use what is seasonal and local to your area. Not only is eating this way good for the environment and local economy, but it’s also good for YOU! Produce that is in season tastes better, has an improved nutritional profile, and ensures variety all year long! Do a quick search for seasonal produce for the region you live in and simple swap out your produce choices every couple of months according to what is ready right now! Some of my favorite Colorado seasonal choices are the late summer peaches, fall apples, and summer sweet corn.


So, which will you try first? Maybe a new one every week?! The limit does not exist when it comes to building healthy, delicious meals that satisfy your hunger and feed the foodie that you are!

Don’t forget to tag me @nutritionbymallory when you whip up your new and improved meals!

Need a little recipe more inspo to get you started? Check out the links above under each tip, or head to my recipe index for more quick, healthy, TASTY meals!
