Foods & Lifestyle Habits that Support Your Immune Health

Everyone is looking for an immune boost right now!

Whether you’re trying to keep COVID-19 at bay, or just skip the flu this year, there are ways you can naturally boost your immune system & stay healthy despite whatever virus is circling around the community!

Now, more than ever - more people are realizing the importance of our health. Maybe you’ve felt that you’re too young to worry about health concerns, or that “it’ll never happen to you,” but the truth is… Disease does not always discriminate & affect just the immuno-compromised population — we’ve seen the reality of this through the global pandemic.

If you’re reading this post after the COVID-19 pandemic has passed, these are still good habits to incorporate into your daily routine to maintain a healthy immune system to support your body through any type of flu, allergy, or season of sickness.

Changing your lifestyle is not an overnight process! If you’re finding ALL of these tricks & tips to be new to your routine — start small! Add one change at a time & build up your wellness routine to include things every day that support your health all year long! We are all at a different step in our wellness journey, so meet yourself where you are at & take things one step at a time.

10 Things that Naturally Improve Immune Health


Leafy greens ||

Spinach, collards, kale, beet greens, arugula… The list goes on! Adding leafy greens into your meals is one of the simplest ways to boost the nutritional content & make sure you’re getting a healthy dose of vitamins & minerals. Greens are incredibly rich in B-vitamins (thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, B6, folate) as well as fat soluble vitamins such as vitamins A & K. Pairing your greens with a good fat will boost nutrient absorption & ensure you are getting everything out of these nutritionally powerhouses.

How to use them?
Pasta dishes
Bake into chips

Berries ||

From blueberries to raspberries & everything in between — berries are an immune booster due to their high antioxidant content. Antioxidants aid in the prevents of free radical damage to our cells which may lead to health concerns like cancer, heart disease & more if exposed at a high level. The majority of berries are also high in vitamin C, a commonly known immune supporter!

How to use them?
Low sugar dessert

Nuts & seeds ||

Whether it’s almonds in your trail mix or chia seeds in your smoothie, adding nuts & seeds into your meals & snacks not only helps with satiety, but brings an important antioxidant into the immune support game. Vitamin E is important for cell division & has been shown to be helpful in fighting infection. There’s a wide variety to choose from, making adding a little bit of healthy fat in the form of nuts & seeds simple!

How to use them?
As a butter with fruit
Trail mix
Topping for smoothies, yogurt or oatmeal

Citrus fruits ||

Lemons, oranges, & limes.. oh my! How about grapefruit too! Citrus fruits are a classic vitamin C rich source of nutrition when sickness pops up! Adding a little zest, juice, or adding whole slices into meals & snacks is an easy way to support your immune system one

How to use them?
Juice them
Zest into baked goods
Add juice into savory dishes

Herbs & spices ||

The possibilities are endless here! From bright ginger, comforting mint & spicy cinnamon… This is probably my favorite food tip for an immunity boost because of how easy it is to make it your own, switch up your options & never get bored with your dishes! Many herbs & spices have a high content of antioxidant & antimicrobial compounds that can not only fight those free radicals, but also keep pathogenic microorganisms & bacteria from getting you sick! Some of my favorites? Ginger, mint, echinacea, turmeric & garlic!

How to use them?
Flavor for smoothies
Toss in salads
Cooking vegetables
Mixed into rice/quinoa


Exercise ||

Regular exercise or activity is a key pillar to maintaining optimal health — which also means a fully firing immune system! Along with benefits like improved cardiovascular health, disease protection & weight management, exercise also contributes to improved circulation which can benefit the immune system by moving cells, nutrients & other compounds through the body efficiently. (1) It doesn’t have to be a full body burning workout to see benefits from activity! Even 20- minutes has been shown to promote anti-inflammatory responses from the body.

Restful sleep ||

Not only do we all love sleep, but it is such an important time for our body to rest & recover from the stressors we encounter during the day! While we sleep, our body produces cytokines (a protein) which can promote sleep, as well as protect from disease & inflammation. When you are deprived of sleep, the production of these proteins is reduced, which increases your risk for getting sick! (2)

Stress less ||

Even with health — somethings are mind over matter. Out mental state can affect our body’s physical health. This is a topic researchers are studying more in-depth as the importance of mental health for overall wellness becomes more & more of a focus for the community. There have been small showing of decreased immunity in times of short-term stress (such as a test taking season) but much more shown about the effects of long-term, chronic stress can have on the immune system. Focusing on stress management, healthy relationships, work/life balance & finding joy in your days can all be ways to improve mood & reduce overall stress you feel each day.

Help your gut ||

The gut microbiome plays a huge role in the health of your immune system. Having a balanced bacterial system in your gut is important for optimal health. When gut health takes a back seat & that balance gets out of whack, there is more opportunity for opportunistic pathogens to affect the body’s systems. (Ways to keep you gut flora happy include eating enough fiber, eliminating foods that are inflammatory to your GI tract, taking supplements like a probiotic if needed, and drinking enough water throughout the day.

Stay hydrated ||

Hydration is crucial in supporting overall health & a fully functioning immune system. Drinking enough water ensures that nutrient are transported which supports cellular health, toxins are eliminated — it’s basically a natural detox flush for your body! daily water intake recommendations varies from person to person — it depends on a lot of things such as your height/weight, activity during the day, caloric needs & tons of other individualized factors. It’s hard to throw a blanket recommendations for the population because even every day for one person is different based on all of these things! Pay attention to signs for dehydration & if you need specific guidelines, discuss this with a Registered Dietitian.

BONUS || Hygiene ||

You’ve probably heard this a million times (especially right now) but, practicing proper personal hygienic habits is incredibly important for maintaining a healthy immune system. This includes, washing your hands frequently, using hand sanitizer when needed, showering frequently, not sharing cups or utensils with others — & specifically during this COVID 19 crisis, social distancing, especially from those with an active cough or other symptoms. Hand sanitizer & masks seem to be the new norm of things you need before leaving the house. It’s a weird time, but it keeps us safe! Practicing these habits every day is key in preventing all levels of viral & bacterial diseases.

Try adding in one habit or food into your daily or weekly routine & see how you feel! Habits that support your immune system are also habits that support your overall health!



  1. Harvard Health Publishing, How to Boost Your Immune System

  2. Mayo Clinic, Lack of Sleep: Can it make you sick?

  3. American Psychological Association, Stress Weakens the Immune System